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== 公司特點 == 今大條新聞網在報導新聞時,秉持中立客觀的原則,致力於提供準確、客觀的資訊給讀者。我們深知爭議性新聞在媒體中的存在,為了保持中立客觀,我們採用了先進的技術,其中包括引進並部分使用CHAT GPT(對話式生成預訓練模型)。 CHAT GPT是一種人工智慧技術,能夠幫助我們自動分析、編輯和改善新聞內容的品質。我們使用CHAT GPT來幫助我們在處理爭議性新聞時保持中立客觀的態度。它能夠提供參考意見和觀點,以確保我們的報導更具公正性。 儘管我們使用CHAT GPT來輔助處理部分爭議性新聞,但我們仍致力於遵守新聞倫理和專業標準。我們嚴格遵循事實和真相,避免偏頗和主觀立場的介入。透過多方取材和深入調查,我們努力提供全面、客觀的報導,讓讀者能夠依據真實的資訊做出理性的判斷。 我們相信這樣的做法有助於
Added on: Monday 12th of June 2023
Thumbnail TechJob - High-tech placement company
Tech Job is a high-tech placement company that operates in a unique and very precise way. The company employs highly technological head hunters who specialize in targeted detection of high-tech talents for the company's customers. The company provides placement services to excellent high-tech companies, from small start-ups at the beginning of their journey to medium and large companies. The company was established due to a desire to improve the world of high-tech placement, both for the candidates and for the recruiting high-tech companies.
Added on: Friday 5th of May 2023


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